Portal 2 Level Design : tutorial

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Link to steam workshop


This map has a very clear purpose. “Introduce the factors to players”.


It covers almost all of the factors of Portal 2 through series of small chambers.

Each chamber contains a new factor, sometimes two depending on the complexity.

Some of the chambers also have simple puzzles. While the player tries to pass that chamber they figure out functions of the factors in it.

The map was designed carefully so that the players can proceed only by using the introduced factors.

Unlike most portal maps the strategy is very limited since it is focused on educating the player rather than testing their skills.

Play testing and tweaking

It was play tested by experienced players and new players both. From the experienced players, I’ve received feedback about complexity in some chambers. Based on their feed back I redesigned those chambers so that the purpose of the map made more sense. From the new players, I’ve received very hopeful feedback such as “I could understand what each button and object does. Also I think after playing this I might be able to solve ones that are more complicated, since those are just iterations and combinations of the things in this map.”The negative side of this map is space and limits. The editor itself had limits in terms of number of assets along with maximum space. Due to that the chambers are rather small, and do not contain as many simple puzzles as I expected.

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